This upgrade consist of a small red PCB, which is shown in the picture below. What is the optional feature called "External Driver Board"? With this software you can use many features, like the automatically probing, which is very important for milling PCB Boards. The free available pre-configured Raspberry Pi image has the really powerful controlling software implemented, called bCNC. How can i control my CNC or PCB milling maschine after wiring? You only have to plug in your stepper motor drivers, motors and the endstops to your board and afterwards you can start milling. The connect the board to your milling maschine is really easy. How can i connect the board to my milling maschine? So you have the opportunity to build a stepper motor based robot arm or simliar. The Protoneer RPi CNC Board was developed to control CNC and PCB milling maschines, but you are able to replace the pre-configured grbl Firmware with the ARDUINO IDE and the ISP Header of the board. What can i control with the Raspberry Pi CNC Board? Moreover if you would like to use more powerful stepper motor drivers, you can add the "Polulu Stecker und Jumper" to the order, which allows you to use external driver. In combination with the DRV8825 stepper motor driver you are allowed to control your stepper motors with 1/32 Microsteps. The Protoneer RPi CNC Board is a small, but very powerful CNC-controller, which will be easy pluged into the Raspberry Pi General Purpose Input/Output pins.